White Industries SINGLEspeed Freewheels, ss
Really good, very strong, rebuildable, and MUSA. White Industries has been making these since 2002.
The ultimate ss choice for your Roaduno and Quickbeam.
Note: All freewheels can use either 3/32” or ⅛” chains except 16T single and all DOS freewheels
- Threads: 1.375” x 24TPI
- ENO single and DOS ENO double freewheels have 3 pawls and 36 points of engagement
- Standard 36 point/10 degrees of engagement
- Red Lockring color
- Freewheel measurements for chainline calculations:
- All freewheels are 18.4mm wide
- On ENO single freewheels (standard and Trials) center of teeth are 9mm from the inner base of the threads
Check out our if you want to fine tune your gearing.