Cockney-Yiddish music hall songs from the turn of the twentieth century: quirky, moving, edgy and comic songs that offer glimpses of an impoverished, energetic and conflicted community trying to acculturate to their new home without losing their identity.
1. Helo, helo!
2. Di brivelekh fun rusland
3. Gevalt police
4. Boer krig mit England
5. London hot zikh ibergekert
6. Freg keyn katshanes
7. Yeder sadie iz a leydi
8. London bay nakht
9. Lambeth Walk
10. Ikh zukh a dzhob
11. Slek taym
12. Azoy geyt dos gelt avek
13. Vos geyst nisht aheym sore-gitl?
14. Mazl
Audio CD